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Where Would You Like to Study?

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When you study abroad, you expand your choices to include the world's top higher-education institutions. You’ll get the opportunity to take courses you may not find anywhere else, and experience new languages, cultures and lifestyles.

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Did you know?

A 50-year study of 3,400 students showed that "studying abroad is usually a defining moment in a young person's life and continues to impact the participant's life for years after the experience."1

Get to the most popular countries

Learn about the visa application process in some of the most popular destinations and how the TOEFL iBT test can help you get there.

Also, check out these visa application tips to stay on schedule and know what to expect.


Expand your options with the TOEFL® Search Service

This free service uses information from your ETS account to match you with universities and institutions around the world. You can receive information about programs, admission requirements, financial aid opportunities and more.

Even if you aren't ready to register for the test yet, you can still create your ETS account and sign up today!


Find institutions that accept TOEFL scores

Use the TOEFL® Destinations Search to find universities and institutions that accept TOEFL scores.


1 Institute for the International Education of Students: The Benefits of Study Abroad